Pacer Basketball
Pacer Basketball is in a very exciting time in it's history. The athletes that represent the program are working to understand the importance of their role in their families, school, and community. There are great kids that are part of our Pacer BKB Family from 1st grade all the way to seniors in high school. They are involved in the classroom, school activities, clubs, numerous sports, and community activities. They are also building a culture of work, toughness, and character.
The staff is well versed in "The Pacer Way". The Varsity Assistant, Kyle Green, was a very good player at SCHS. Junior Varsity Coach, Anthony Dennis, is a graduate and former player at Switzerland County. He spent 4 years in college as a student assistant for Coach Carrigan at Mt. St. Joseph's University. Head Coach, Adam Dennis, played and graduated from SCHS in 2001. The staff has a love and a vision for the Pacer BKB Family and works daily to improve themselves, the players, and the program.