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Didn't, Wouldn't, Couldn't

I had a coaching friend share this video with me today and It contains such a great message I felt the need to share it. It is only a minute and a half if you would like to give it a listen.

Coach even grabbed a golden nugget out of here.

"You are always going to have critics and naysayers saying you can't, you won't, and you shouldn't. Most of those people are the people who didn't, who wouldn't, who couldn't."

This is a great message for everyone.

Fear of failure is a real concern. We see children every day that are afraid to attempt because they are afraid to fail. Their fixed mindset tells them that if they fail, then they are a failure (this is so far from the truth). So, why even try? If I don't try, then my excuse can be, "I didn't really try, so I didn't really fail." We need to flip this kind of thinking around. Marc Andreesen (a legend in Silicon Valley) said,

"My goal is not to fail fast. My goal is to succeed over the long run. They are not the same thing."

You succeed over the long run by being growth minded. Failure is the path to success, history has proven this to us, if we willingly listen. We all have strengths, but we are not born naturals. There is a tireless amount of effort and failure involved in becoming excellent at anything. This is called wisdom and it is earned.

I am at the beginning of my journey with my children, but it is my hope that Meg and I can coach our children through failure and encourage the hard work, persistence, and resilience that is required to become excellent at whatever they choose to pursue. PRAISE the WORK, NOT the RESULT. Process, Process, Process.

"I didn't fail 1,000 time, the light bulb is an invention of 1000 steps." - Thomas Edison

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